An Open Letter :
Children's Future Organization believes that every child, no matter what their background, must have theright to loving care, adequate food, comfortable shelter and a reasonable standard of education.
That might be a challenge in every country and family, at times. In Nepal, because of lack of infrastructure and partially due to our traditions, culture, political history and poor economic development, the challenge is even greater. CFO is constantly struggling to close the huge social gulf between the rights of our children and the reality of life in a third world country forging ahead in an attempt to join the world of the 21st Century.
Children are the hope of the future in every country. We must have strong, healthy and well-educated young people if they are to become great leaders tomorrow. After 15 years of political ideological turmoil in Nepal, the victims of that struggle are not just those who died in the conflict but also all those who have been left behind to sort out their lives. The mothers without a partner to share the work load, the fathers left maimed and unable to work on their farms and support their families, the school system suffering from lack of monetary support and qualified personnel, the political parties struggling to re-establish some semblance of control and order; businesses coping with inflation, urban families faced with high unemployment, families being torn apart by the pressures of all of the facts mentioned above. The total list would fill pages.
However, the bottom line is the many children left to cope with life without adequate care, education, direction, mentoring and love that would have been provided by parents, now dead, missing or under such stress brought on by poverty that they cannot fill their traditional role in a rapidly changing world.
Children's Future Organization cannot solve all these problems but for the 100 children currently in our care, we have to help make their world and future lives better and safer than the one they have known to date. We have taken on a parental roles and responsibility. There is no one else to do it.
It is easy to read the few stories of our children presented here and ask questions, point fingers and try to lay blame at the feet of parents, extended family, the system, the culture, etc. as to why these children are in this situation. That really does not help. What is done is done! You cannot change history.
There are, admittedly, facts that give unfair power to some in Nepal and denigrate the rights of others. On the other hand there are many good things about Nepali culture and traditions that give our country a rich cultural diversity and strong family bonds.
We can make a difference for the future by making an investment in our young people and helping to raise a new generation more prepared to meet the challenges than were their parents and community. The task is not an easy one. As you read through this presentation, we hope you will be motivated to want to help in whatever way you can. Your participation is needed whether it is by donating a few dollars or many, volunteering labor, materials or funds to construct our new children`s home.
There is something you can do to make a difference.